We are helping to spread the word for our friend, golf course employee, and long-time Hartford resident, Josiah Severance
Josiah was born with no iris in his eyes, a condition called Aniridia. He is in need of an operation or he will be completely blind. As you can imagine, that will be very life altering for him, because he won’t be able to work or enjoy any of the things he loves to do like hunting, fishing, golfing, bowling, and helping people.
Anyone who knows Josiah knows he has a heart of gold and would give the shirt off his back to anyone in need. Josiah and his family recently went to New York City to meet with Dr. Pamel to see if surgery was possible and he assured them surgery was possible. Now the insurance company is denying the surgery, so Josiah’s step-mom decided to try a GoFundMe to try to raise the money needed. This would be a life changing surgery for Josiah, so anyone who can donate it would be greatly appreciated, and for those who cannot, you can help by sharing the link and helping to spread the word to those who might be able to donate…. please help us spread the word, by sharing this link too! https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-save-josiahs-vision