Join us for OKTOBERFEST on Saturday, October 14th from 11am – 9pm. Rain date Sunday, October 15. There will be LIVE MUSIC from 1-5pm, a face painter from 3-5pm, and various vendors. There will be LIVE MUSIC from 1-5pm, a face painter (FREE) from 3-5pm, and various vendors. We will also have FREE pumpkins and pumpkin painting available for the kids.
The ALL YOU CAN EAT menu includes brisket, pork, chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, German potato salad, cole slaw, mac and cheese, fried pickles, fruit salad, and shrimp AND it also includes 2 beers for those 21+ years of age with valid ID.
COST: Adults- $40 each; Kids 11-16 – $20 each; and Kids 10 and under are FREE
You can pre-purchase tickets for this event right from our website at: