Openings still available for the GOLF-TOBERFEST golf tournament to be held here at Hartford Greens Country Club on Saturday, October 1, 2022 with a 1pm shot gun start.
This tournament is presented by Taylor Services and is a two man scramble tournament (white box only). Cost is $100 per person, which includes greens fee, cart, chicken dinner, entry to prizes and skins.
There will be prizes for teams that place in first and second. Prizes for skins (prize amount and skin amount depends on the number of entries). 100% of proceeds go to the prize pool. Skins and prize amounts to be announced before tournament, with a potential prize pool of $2,500 (36 team capacity).
To register or for more info contact Robert Taylor: (c) 518-744-1227; email: thatguy1227744@gmail.com OR Hartford Greens at 518-632-9632.