Our course will be CLOSED to the public until 1PM on Saturday, August 19th* for the First Annual Scot-ish Open to benefit the Argyle Central School’s class of 2024. *Rain date will be Sunday, August 20th.
This is a 4 person scramble that will include a lunch buffet, prizes, and on-course challenges!
The tournament fee is $400 per team or $100/player. An optional cash skins game can be entered for $40 per team the day of the event.
Plan for an 8:00am shotgun start – the range will be available for a warmup.
Hole sponsorships are available.
This event is rain or shine and will only be cancelled for severe thunderstorms (with a make-up date of 8/26).
All teams must be FULLY PAID for by 8/3 – tee slots are limited so get your name in fast! Payment info will be sent to team captains.
Please click here for the Facebook Event page and details on who to contact for questions.