The 17th Annual 9-11 Golf Tournament to benefit the Hartford Volunteer Fire Co. will be hosted here, at Hartford Greens Country Club on Saturday, September 9 (rain date will be Sunday, September 10) with a shot gun start at 8:30AM sharp.
Cost is $85 per player, which includes round of golf w/cart, a hearty breakfast, an amazing lunch, refreshments for all, raffles and prizes. Application deadline is August 26, 2023.
Tournament contests include: Longest Drive; Closest to Pin; and Best Score.
Breakfast will be served at 8AM. Lunch will be at the fire station following golfing.
This is always a fun event and a great way to support your community by supporting our local Fire Department.
2023 9-11 Golf Tournament Sponsorship Levels:
Platinum Sponsor- $250 : “Platinum Sponsor” sign on the course and on Platinum Sponsor Board.
Gold Sponsor- $150 : “Golf Sponsor” sign on the course and on Tournament Sponsor Board.
Silver Sponsor – $75 : “Silver Sponsor” sign on the course and on Tournament Sponsor Board.
Donation of a prize or gift : Name will appear in the program.
Tournament details and how to sign up your team and/or be a sponsor are below. If you have questions, please contact Nate Rogers, Chairman, at 518-538-0889.