Engagement Announcement
From all of us at the golf course, we would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Dylan and Ateanna on their recent engagement. We are very happy for you and wish you the best of luck on your future together!
From all of us at the golf course, we would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Dylan and Ateanna on their recent engagement. We are very happy for you and wish you the best of luck on your future together!
Purchase a 2023 Membership by November 6, 2022 to receive our 2022 Membership Rates* (listed below). FULL MEMBERSHIP- 2022 Rate* Single– valid any day of the week, includes cart rental. $1,400/year Couples– great option for any duo that enjoys golfing together. Valid any day of the week, includes cart rental. $1,900/year Senior/Veteran- valid for any day of the week, includes cart rental. Thank you for your service!! $1,300/year Family– please call us at (518) 632-9632 and we will work with you to create a custom package. TBD GREENS FEE MEMBERSHIP- 2022 Rate* Single– this is a walking membership; cart rental additional. Valid any day of…
Openings still available for the GOLF-TOBERFEST golf tournament to be held here at Hartford Greens Country Club on Saturday, October 1, 2022 with a 1pm shot gun start. This tournament is presented by Taylor Services and is a two man scramble tournament (white box only). Cost is $100 per person, which includes greens fee, cart, chicken dinner, entry to prizes and skins. There will be prizes for teams that place in first and second. Prizes for skins (prize amount and skin amount depends on the number of entries). 100% of proceeds go to the prize pool. Skins and prize amounts…
We are helping to spread the word for our friend, golf course employee, and long-time Hartford resident, Josiah Severance Josiah was born with no iris in his eyes, a condition called Aniridia. He is in need of an operation or he will be completely blind. As you can imagine, that will be very life altering for him, because he won’t be able to work or enjoy any of the things he loves to do like hunting, fishing, golfing, bowling, and helping people. Anyone who knows Josiah knows he has a heart of gold and would give the shirt off his…
The course will be hosting the Idle Hour Tournament (full) on Sunday, September 25 and due to this we will be closed to the public that day until 12:30pm.
Hartford Greens Country Club was pleased to host the Hartford Volunteer Fire Company’s 16th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament on Sunday, September 11, 2022. This tournament benefits the fire department, which in turn, benefits the entire Hartford community and other surrounding communities. It was a great day for golf and a great cause to support! The tournament was full and many golfers started their morning on the driving range and putting green to get in some practice shots prior to the shotgun start. Our Event Coordinator, Gary Scrime, spoke to the crowd to give details about the tournament contests and then…
Hartford Greens Country Club is pleased to host area high school golf teams again. Here is a picture of the Fort Edward/Argyle Varsity Golf Roster for the 2022 Fall Season: Back Row (L to R): Beau Boucher, Zach Bartholomew, Calvin Boucher, Judson Boucher and Coach John Boucher; Front Row (L to R): Trey Tiderencil, and Jaedyn Furgeson. Good luck to the team on their season!
Hartford Greens Country Club is pleased to host area high school golf teams again. Here is a picture of the Fort Ann/Hartford Varsity Golf Roster for the 2022 Fall Season. Back Row (L to R): Xander Jenkins, Matthew Casey, Brody Stockman, Dean Whitney, Benjamin Cusson, and Coach Mike Oleynek; Front Row (L to R): Joshua Casey, Charlie Walker, Mason Forbes, Joey Happy, and Tim Webb. Congratulations to the team on their first win of the season 9/7/22!
The course will be closed to the public in the morning through 1pm, on Sunday, September due to the 16th Annual Hartford Volunteer Fire Company’s Golf Benefit tournament being held on the course that day. We apologize for any inconveniences and wish those participating in the tournament a great day on the course.
Our golf course is currently CLOSED, but plans to be OPEN for the 2025 season the first week in April! Weather permitting.
We look forward to seeing you soon! Check back to book tee times or call the Pro Shop to confirm open hours.